Clinics Accredited for Hospital-Level Care for Normal Delivery

Our clinic advocates for natural childbirth to promote faster recovery and ensure a healthier pregnancy for both mother and child.
Competitive Pricing Coupled with High-Quality Hospital Services.

Adhering to Hospital-Equivalent Standards of Care.


Providing Patients with Honest and Transparent Information.

Hospital Grade Clinic
to Perform a Normal Delivery

Our clinic chooses natural childbirth
for faster recovery and healthier pregnancy
for Mom & kids
Affordable Prices, Hospital Grade Service

Follow Hospital-Grade Standards Of Care


Honest & transparent in providing information to patients

dr Martin Hermawan, SpOG

What Services are Offered
at KS Women & Children Clinic

Obgyn Poly

Consult a certified gynecologist at KS Clinic for expert care

Normal Delivery

Safe & comfy normal delivery for baby & quick recovery for Mom


Pediatric Poly

Various pediatric services & consults with experienced doctors



Ensure complete vaccinations for your child to prevent diseases


Lactation Poly

Get help for breastfeeding concerns from conselor



Plan pregnancy with Mom & Dad’s fertility check at KS Clinic


IUD Insertion

Pregnancy control with IUD insertion & removal

pemasangan iud

Lab Check

Affordable meds, vitamins & lab tests available for your needs

Dental Poly

Extractions, braces & scaling with professional dentists at KS

Happy Mom & Dad

What They Say About KS Women & Children Clinic

Why KS Women & Children Clinic?

Obgyn Patients

Those who have previously checked their pregnancy at KS Women and Children Clinic


Have received safe and comfortable treatment with complete medical facilities

Pediatric Patients

Receiving complete vaccination services and expert consultations for child growth

Specialist Doctors

Skilled obstetricians, pediatricians, lactation consultants & professional dentists

Clinics in 6 Cities

Located in Tangerang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Palembang, and Surabaya

Certified Midwives

Friendly, compassionate, and always ready to assist Mommils with care and dedication

16 out of 40+ Doctors at KS Women & Children Clinic

Prof. dr. Johanes Mose,

National Medical and Ethics Committee Chairperson of
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr bayu spog
dr. Patrick Bayu,

Obgyn doctor
at Palem Semi
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Adrian Goenawan,

Obgyn doctor
at BKR
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Medissa Diantika,

Obgyn doctor
at Serpong
KS Women & Children Clinic 

dr. Eko Setiawan,

Obgyn doctor
at Premvill
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr bayu spog
dr. Fadhillah Akhdasari,

Obgyn doctor
at Ceger
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Eva Febia,

Obgyn doctor
at Duren Sawit
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Benny Harmoko,

Obgyn doctor
at Alam Sutera
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Martin Hermawan,

Obgyn doctor
at BKR
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Intan Firmana Putri,

Obgyn doctor
at Ciputat
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Rudy Ciulianto,

at Karang Tengah & Palem Semi
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Willy Santoso,

at Alam Sutera
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Naskaya Suriadinata,

Lactation doctor
at Prime Alam Sutera
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Adnina Hariningrum,

Lactation doctor
at Serpong
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Almira Aulia Shahnaz,
Sp.OG., M.Ked.Klin

Obgyn Doctor
at Ngagel
KS Women & Children Clinic

dr. Agustina Hidayati,
Sp.OG., M.Ked.Klin

Obgyn Doctor
at Kranggan Hankam
KS Women & Children Clinic

Media Coverage Of KS Women & Children Clinic


We Prioritize Normal Delivery,
Not Caesarean

Most couples prefer a normal delivery.

However, this option is becoming increasingly less common as cesarean births are often viewed as a more practical choice.

At Kehamilan Sehat, we focus not on the practicality of the delivery process, but on what will be most beneficial for both the mother and the child.

We place a strong emphasis on honesty and transparency in providing information, ensuring that couples have the right to make informed decisions about their preferred mode of delivery.
Under ideal circumstances, we recommend a normal delivery over a cesarean, as it offers numerous benefits for both mother and child.

Best Quality,
Affordable Price

Many believe that ensuring safety and quality of care during childbirth can only be done in a hospital – not a clinic.

This has changed…

KS Women & Children Clinic comes with hospital-like quality:

  • Professional & high quality services
  • Certified & experienced medical personnel
  • Safety assurance with clean & sterile infrastructure

This hospital-like quality comes at a lower price.

Expressions of Patient Satisfaction

"The doctor explained in detail."

Usg here at @kehamilansehat is the result of a recommendation from my best sister-in-law, @non.ayuu. The service is good, and the place is very comfortable. Although you’re queuing with friendly service and low prices, it’s a comfortable and good place, so it doesn’t matter if you wait a bit longer too. The doctor explained everything in detail, not just talking or being ignorant at all. 😄Now If a friend’s neighbor’s niece is pregnant, I recommend an ultrasound here at @kehamilansehat.

Wimerni Tri Lestari

"4D HD Live Ultrasound is very affordable."

Where else, if not at the Kehamilan Sehat Clinic, is 4D HD live ultrasound very affordable during this pandemic? Not to mention getting a detailed medical record. I love the A3-sized printout, so I can keep it until the baby grows up. Since the first child, it’s never been wrong to choose the clinic at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Jakarta.

Rahayu Pratiwi

"The doctor is very detailed, and the ultrasound equipment is sophisticated."

Sejak pertemuan pertama langsung jatuh hati dengan pelayanan dan fasilitas USG di klinik ini. Kami periksa di KS Serpong dengan dokter Medissa. Dokternya detail banget apalagi alat USG-nya canggih, tiap organ vital baby di cek satu persatu dengan teliti, dari mulai jantung, paru-paru sampai lambung. Pokoknya menenangkan kami sekali. Insya Allah kalo berjodoh kami jg berencana melahirkan disini. Yang penting istri udah happy ketemu tempat yang cocok segala-galanya.

Andrian Permata Putra