Kehamilan Sehat
in Tangerang City
8 Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Options at Your Service

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth Is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
Lower Price With Equal
Quality Hospital Services

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & experienced,
carried out with proper SOP
Kehamilan Sehat in Tangerang
4 out of 8 branches of Kehamilan Sehat Clinic in Tangerang City provide normal delivery services

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger
Safe and Comfortable Normal Delivery at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger

Kehamilan Sehat Serpong
Vaccination with a Pediatrician is Available at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera
Normal Labor with Hypnobirthing at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah
Transvaginal Ultrasound, 2D & 4D Ultrasound is Available at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah

Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Karawaci
IUD Insertion Program with Complete & Safe Treatment at Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Karawaci

Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat
Routine Pregnancy Check-Ups with a certified Sp.OG Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat

Kehamilan Sehat Periuk
2D Ultrasound Service with free 4D Ultrasound
(HD Live Face) at
Kehamilan Sehat Periuk

Kehamilan Sehat Premvill
Check & Consult Your Pregnancy Plan with Doctor Sp.OG at Kehamilan Sehat Premvill

400.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility
Why Choose
Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang?
8 Kehamilan Sehat Clinics in Tangerang
For Mommils looking for a gynecologist service in Tangerang that is friendly, qualified, and with competitive rates, Kehamilan Sehat Clinic (KS) Tangerang is the answer. This Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang branch offers quality services at competitive prices for all groups. There are 8 branches of the Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang clinic for you to choose from, namely:
- Kehamilan Sehat Serpong
- Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger
- Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Karawaci
- Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera
- Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah
- Kehamilan Sehat Premvill
- Kehamilan Sehat Periuk
- Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat
The distribution of 8 branches of Kehamilan Sehat Clinic with obstetrician services makes it easy for Moms who are around the Tangerang area to get quality services at a short distance.
Each clinic branch provides various services ranging from consultation services with obstetricians in Tangerang, pregnancy checks, normal delivery, IUD insertion, pregnancy programs for couples who have not had a baby, lab checks, vaccinations, and pharmaceutical services.
Cheap Ultrasound Clinic in Tangerang
Kehamilan Sehat Clinic is known as a cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang. Mom can compare the cost of ultrasound at this cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang with other places, and the price is competitive.
Various choices of ultrasound types will be handled directly by the gynecologist in Tangerang, namely transvaginal ultrasound, 2D ultrasound, and 4D ultrasound. The cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang provides 2D and transvaginal ultrasound services in the form of black and white photos that look rather faint, as well as 4D ultrasound, which presents moving images of the fetus directly in the womb.
The obstetrician in Tangerang will provide clear information from the results of the ultrasound, starting from the condition and development of the fetus, the sex of the fetus, to the planning of the delivery process according to the condition of Mom and the fetus. The information will later be used as a reference by the obstetrician in Tangerang to decide whether Mom should give birth normally or by cesarean.
24-Hour Maternity Clinic in Tangerang
This cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang also provides maternity services for pregnant women. The choice of Kehamilan Sehat Branches as a Tangerang maternity clinic spread across several areas in Tangerang with professional services and not inferior to hospital services is the main advantage of this clinic.
As a Tangerang maternity clinic, Kehamilan Sehat branch provides maternity services for Mommil for a full 24 hours. Delivery procedures with the help of an obstetrician in Tangerang are guaranteed to be following the standards of Kehamilan Sehat’s motto, “Patient Safety is Our Top Priority”.
Quality service for patient comfort starts with quality services from an obstetrician in Tangerang, a clean and comfortable clinic, a well-equipped labor area, and the support of other professionals such as midwives and nurses. One more thing, this cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang offers competitive costs compared to maternity costs elsewhere, this Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang maternity clinic is the answer to Mommil’s birthing needs.
Tangerang Obstetrician
Professional services at this cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang are served by a staff consisting of Nurses, Midwives, and Obstetricians who are certified or have a License to Practice (SIP). This means that every service provided at Kehamilan Sehat, a cheap ultrasound clinic in Tangerang is provided by professionals who are recognized in their fields.
During the service process, the obstetricians in Tangerang do not work alone. Together with a team consisting of midwives, nurses, and other obstetricians, they ensure that patient safety and comfort are paramount. For matters that require further consultation, the doctors will consult with other team members to ensure that the treatment provided is truly appropriate for the good of all parties.