Recommendation For Obgyn Doctor in Bandung
Consultation with Certified Obstetrician Doctor
Safe Pregnancy Checkup
Affordable Price

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth Is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
Lower Price With Equal
Quality Hospital Services

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & experienced,
carried out with proper SOP

dr. Martin Hermawan, Sp.OG
Meet dr. Martin, a Bandung obstetrician who practices at Kehamilan Sehat BKR.
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dr. Martin's schedule at KS BKR Bandung
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Kehamilan Sehat BKR Bandung Location
Jl. BKR No.98, Ancol, Kec. Regol, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40253
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Kehamilan Sehat BKR

“Bleeding in the First Trimester”
QnA with dr. Glen Marion Mose, Sp.OG

400.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility
When is the Right Time to do the Pregnancy Program?
There are many couples who have been married for more than a year who regularly have unprotected sex but have not yet shown signs of pregnancy. Then, when is the right time to start a pregnancy program?
The right time depends on your preparation, physical and psychological health. Is Mom’s health condition good, both physically and mentally?
There are other factors that need to be considered in the pregnancy program, namely:
- Healthy Lifestyle
It is undeniable that adopting a healthy lifestyle has many benefits for health, including fertility problems. Unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating fast food or junk food, can all contribute to fertility issues. Mom and Dad need to change their habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle such as consuming healthy food, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and mineral needs.
- Intimate Time
The most effective time for intercourse is during Mom’s fertile period. Generally, a woman’s fertile period is between the 10th and 17th days after the first day of her last menstrual period. It is also not uncommon for people to think that certain sex positions can increase the chances of pregnancy. However, there are no studies that prove sex positions can affect pregnancy potential. So, do it in any position, and the most important thing is to have sex during the fertile period and with the recommended frequency.
- Not Using Contraceptives
The purpose of using contraceptives is to prevent pregnancy. So if Mom and Dad are planning a pregnancy, immediately stop using birth control such as injectable birth control, spiral birth control, implantable birth control, or condoms during intercourse.
Consultation with a Gynecologist at KS Peta Bandung
In addition to the above efforts, Mom and Dad also need to visit a Bandung obstetrician for a consultation regarding a pregnancy program as an initial step in planning a pregnancy.
Bandung obstetricians will perform several examination procedures on Mom and Dad. One of the examinations required for Mom is a transvaginal ultrasound, which aims to examine the internal organs of Mom’s reproductive system, such as the uterus, oviducts, ovaries, cervix, and vagina. With the transvaginal ultrasound examination, Bandung obstetricians can diagnose various conditions in the uterus, and then Bandung obstetricians will discuss the right treatment steps based on the results found.
While the examination that needs to be done for Dad is a sperm check, This examination aims to assess the quality and quantity of sperm to determine the level of fertility in a man. In the spermogram, the things that will be checked are the number of sperm cells, the shape or morphology of sperm cells, and the movement or motility of sperm cells. For 2–5 days before the spermogram, the Bandung gynecologist will ask Dad not to have intercourse or masturbate. After that, semen sampling is done.
Doing a pregnancy program at Kehamilan Sehat is a solution that Mom and Dad must try. With affordable pregnancy program fees and experienced and friendly Bandung obstetricians, we are committed to helping couples who yearn for a baby. Find tips on how to get pregnant quickly here!