Recommendation For Obgyn Doctor in Bekasi
Consultation with Certified Obstetrician Doctor
Safe Pregnancy Checkup
Affordable Price

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth Is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
Lower Price With Equal
Quality Hospital Services

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & experienced,
carried out with proper SOP
Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah

dr. Dedi Febriansyah, Sp.OG
Meet dr. Dedi, a Bekasi obstetrician who practices at Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah.
Here is the doctor’s schedule :
dr. Dedi's Schedule at KS Harapan Indah
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday : 12.00-16.00
Friday : 13.00-15.00 & 19.00-21.00
Saturday : 19.00-22.00
*Schedule subject to change
Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah Location
Jl. Boulevard Hijau Raya No.5, RT.007/RW.009, Pejuang, Kecamatan Medan Satria, Bekasi City, West Java 17131
View Map Here
Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan

dr. Agustina Hidayati, M. Ked. Klin, Sp.OG
Meet dr. Agustina, a Bekasi obstetrician who practices at Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan.
Here is the doctor’s schedule :
dr. Agustina's Schedule at KS Kranggan
Monday-Friday : 17.30-21.30
Saturday : 09.00-13.00
*Schedule subject to change
Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan Location
Jalan Raya Hankam 3F & 3G, RT.006/RW.006 Jatimurni, Kec. Pd. Melati,
Bekasi City, West Java 17431
View Map Here
Obgyn Doctor Service in Bekasi
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Tips for Choosing Birth Control
In modern society, awareness about contraceptive use is very high. Contraceptives (KB) aim to help delay or prevent pregnancy and regulate pregnancy spacing. Currently, there are various types of contraceptives available in Indonesia. However, the selection of contraceptives must be adjusted to the needs and conditions of Mom and Dad.
For Moms who have been pregnant and are breastfeeding, an IUD can be the best choice. But if Mom is in doubt, don’t hesitate to consult a good gynecologist in Bekasi. The doctor will help suggest which contraceptive is suitable for Mom according to Mom’s needs and conditions.
Advantages of IUD Birth Control
The IUD (Intrauterine Device) is one of the most widely used birth control methods in Indonesia. This is because the IUD has many advantages, such as:
Effectiveness rate up to 98%–99%
The IUD is one of the contraceptives that can work effectively to prevent pregnancy for up to 5 to 10 years after installation. The IUD works by inhibiting the movement of sperm towards the uterine canal to prevent fertilization, so that pregnancy does not occur.
Suitable for Breastfeeding Moms
After giving birth and starting to breastfeed the child, Moms still have the opportunity to get pregnant again immediately. Therefore, Mom needs to think about using contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. The IUD is recommended for Momsui who want to use contraception. IUDs are very effective and do not affect breast milk production. However, it should be noted that the IUD recommended for Momsui is a non-hormonal IUD. Do not hesitate to consult with a good gynecologist in Bekasi about this.
Not Causing the Weight Gain
Not a few Moms think that contraceptives can increase appetite, causing weight gain. But Mom does not need to worry, because the IUD is one of the birth control devices that does not cause fat.
The IUD insertion process only lasts about 15–20 minutes and can be done by a good gynecologist in Bekasi. The IUD is also suitable for moms who are worried about missing birth control, because using the IUD is practical, meaning that with just one use, it can prevent pregnancy for the next 5 to 10 years.
Install an IUD with a Bekasi Gynecologist
The IUD is currently the choice of most moms in Indonesia. Apart from its high level of effectiveness, the IUD is also very practical. This type of contraception is done by inserting a “T”-shaped device into the uterus.
Before inserting the IUD into the uterus, a good gynecologist in Bekasi will usually give you a local anesthetic or pain medication to drink. After that, a good gynecologist in Bekasi will carry out the IUD insertion procedure according to existing standards. The IUD insertion procedure is done by folding the two sides of the T IUD and inserting it into the uterus using an applicator.
Do not hesitate to tell the doctor or nurse who is installing the IUD if Mom feels pain or discomfort. After the IUD has been inserted, some moms may feel abdominal cramps during menstruation. Mom may also experience bleeding for a few days afterward.