The Best Obgyn Surabaya Recommendation
Consultation with a Certified Obstetrician
Convenient Pregnancy Checkup
Affordable Prices

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth Is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
Lower Price With Equal
Quality Hospital Services

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & experienced,
carried out with proper SOP

dr. Almira, Sp. OG
Meet dr. Almira, a Surabaya obstetrician who practices at Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel. Here’s dr. Almira’s Schedule below:
Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel Obgyn Schedule
*Schedule subject to change
Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel Location
Surabaya, Jl. Ngagel Rejo Utara No.46-48, Wonokromo sub-district, Surabaya, East Java 60245
Check Map here
Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel
Obgyn Clinic Gallery

Routine Checkup at Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel
Simply Do a 2D Ultrasound,
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400.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility
Check Pregnancy with Surabaya’s Best Gynecologist
The Importance of Routine Pregnancy Check-Ups
Pregnancy check-up or also known as ANC (Antenatal Care) is conducted by a doctor or midwife which aims to improve the physical and mental health of pregnant women optimally. That is why, Mom needs to determine the best obgyn Surabaya.
Pregnant women are recommended to do routine pregnancy checks at least 4 times during pregnancy, namely:
1 time check-up in the first trimester, which is 11-13 weeks of gestation
1 time check-up in the second trimester, which is at the age of 20 weeks
2 times check-up in the third trimester, during 28 weeks of gestation until the time of delivery.
By regularly checking pregnancy to an Obgyn Surabaya, it is expected that Mom’s pregnancy condition is normal and healthy so that Mom is able to face the period of labor, postpartum, preparation for exclusive breastfeeding, and the return of reproductive health naturally.
Not only that, routine pregnancy checks also have several purposes such as:
- Monitor the progress of the pregnancy process to ensure the health of the mother and the growth and development of the fetus inside.
- Reducing the maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR).
- Identify pregnancy complications that may occur during pregnancy early on.
- Good antenatal care will result in a safe and smooth delivery for Mom and baby.
What are the check-ups during pregnancy?
In order to maintain a healthy pregnancy, in addition to undergoing regular pregnancy checks to a Surabaya gynecologist. Considering this examination is quite important and highly recommended for pregnant women. It might raise a question in Mom’s mind, what are the routine check-ups during pregnancy?
Pregnancy check-ups include different tests, including:
Examination of personal health conditions and family history of disease.
This needs to be done in order to determine the risk of genetic diseases.
Blood test
A complete blood test needs to be routinely done by the doctor when conducting a pregnancy checkup. The aim is to detect abnormalities that may be experienced by pregnant women or fetuses. In a complete blood test, the Surabaya obstetrician will take blood samples for several tests such as a complete blood test, blood type test, blood sugar test, TORCH test, HIV test, syphilis test, and hepatitis B test.
Checking protein levels in urine (urine test).
Urine examination during pregnancy has many purposes, such as urinary tract infections or the more feared is an increase in protein in the urine.
Pelvic examination
Pelvic examination in pregnant women is done at 36 weeks of pregnancy. The purpose is to calculate whether the pelvis is sufficient for the baby to pass through during labor.
Pap smear examination
Pap smear examination in pregnant women aims to take cervical cells to diagnose cervical health problems, such as cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.
Pregnant women are required to visit the best Surabaya gynecologist to do an ultrasound scan . In general, the recommended ultrasound examination for pregnant women is 3 times during pregnancy. This aims to determine the condition and growth of the fetus in the womb and detect abnormalities early.
Schedule of Obgyn Surabaya
Routine pregnancy checks need to be done directly by a Surabaya obstetrician to recognize early if there are abnormalities or complications during pregnancy so that the doctor can immediately take further steps.
However, many moms may be confused about when is the best time to visit an obgyn Surabaya. The answer is that an ultrasound can be done as soon as Mom’s testpack result shows positive, one of the goal is to confirm the pregnancy.
For Mommil in the Surabaya area who wants to do pregnancy check-ups regularly, let’s know the practice schedule of the best Surabaya obstetricians here
Find out more about the services available at Kehamilan Sehat Surabaya and price list!