Ultrasonography In 4D


Check Out 2D Ultrasonography, Free 4D Ultrasonography (HD Live Face)


Directly Examined By a Certified Obstetrician


Fee For Competitive 4D Ultrasonography

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

The Importance of 4D Ultrasound in Understanding Fetal Development

The location of the images produced is the most significant difference between 4D ultrasonography and 2D ultrasonography.

Here’s what Mom can expect from a 4D ultrasonography:


More fetal activity can be seen, such as when smiling, yawning, or making other movements.


Detect any potential disorders or abnormalities in the fetus, as well as the condition of the fetal organs, so that the doctor can begin treatment right away.


Observe the position and movement of the fetus to determine the position of the placenta prior to delivery.

Mom can get a 4D (HD Live Face) ultrasonography for FREE at Kehamilan Sehat by only doing a 2D ultrasonography examination.

Best Time for Pregnancy Checkup

4D Ultrasonography for Best Results

The doctor recommends that ultrasonography be performed four times during the pregnancy. Mom can do a 2D ultrasonography from the first to the fourth trimester, even when the fetus is 36 or 38 weeks. The 4D ultrasonography is usually performed in the third trimester.

1st Trimester

To confirm pregnancy, the examination should be performed after 10 weeks.

Examination frequency: once per month

2nd Trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, ultrasonography is used to check for fetal body abnormalities and amniotic fluid. This examination is available from 13 to 27 weeks of pregnancy.

Examination frequency: once per month.

3rd Trimester

To prepare for the delivery process, the doctor will monitor fetal growth, fetal position, and fetal placental cord. This examination is performed between weeks 28 to 40 of pregnancy.

Examination frequency: once per month.

Full-Service Kehamilan Sehat Clinic


Only 2D Sltrasonography is Required

Receive a Free 4D Ultrasonography (HD Live Face)

Ultrasonography 4D Facilities at

Kehamilan Sehat

Cost of a 2D Ultrasonography (Free 4D HD Live Ultrasonography)


  • Ultrasonography with Obstetrician
  • 4D ultrasonography for FREE (HD Live Face)
  • Administration + Registration + 4D Color A4 Printing
  • A color A4 size 4D print costs an additional 50k per sheet (Optional)

Registration is only required for new patients.


No Klinik Pasien Lama Pasien Baru
1 Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur Rp220,000 Rp240,000
2 Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger, Tangerang Rp270,000 Rp290,000
3 Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi, Tangerang (dr. Fatin, Sp.OG) Rp320,000 Rp340,000
Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi, Tangerang (dr. Patrick, Sp.OG- KFER) Rp370,000 Rp390,000
4 Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang Rp270,000 Rp290,000
5 Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera, Tangerang Rp370,000 Rp390,000
6 Kehamilan Sehat Periuk, Tangerang Rp220,000  Rp240,000
7 Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat, Tangerang Rp270,000  Rp290,000
 8 Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah, Tangerang Rp270,000 Rp290,000
9 Kehamilan Sehat Premvill, Tangerang Rp220,000 Rp240,000
10 Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah, Bekasi Rp220,000 Rp240,000
11 Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan, Bekasi Rp220,000 Rp240,000
12 Kehamilan Sehat Sunter, Jakarta Rp270,000 Rp290,000
13 Kehamilan Sehat Kenten, Palembang Rp170,000 Rp190,000
14 Kehamilan Sehat Pos Pengumben, Jakarta
Rp220,000 Rp240,000
15 Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel, Surabaya Rp220,000 Rp240,000
16 Kehamilan Sehat BKR, Bandung Rp270,000 Rp290,000


Cost of a 2D Ultrasonography at Kehamilan Sehat (Free 4D HD Live Face Ultrasonography)

Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit,
Jakarta Timur

Kehamilan Sehat Sunter,
Jakarta Utara

Kehamilan Sehat Pos Pengumben,
Jakarta Barat

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger,

Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Karawaci,
dr. Fatin, Sp.OG – Rp320,000
dr. Patrick, Sp.OG-KFER – Rp370,000

Kehamilan Sehat Serpong,

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera,

Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah,

Kehamilan Sehat Premvill,
dr. Eko, SpOG – Rp270,000
dr. Ayu, SpOG – Rp220,000

Kehamilan Sehat Periuk,

Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat,

Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah,

Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan,

Kehamilan Sehat Kenten,

Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel

Kehamilan Sehat BKR, 

Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit,
Jakarta Timur

Kehamilan Sehat Sunter,
Jakarta Utara

Kehamilan Sehat Pos Pengumben,
Jakarta Barat

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger,

Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Karawaci,
dr. Fatin, Sp.OG – Rp340,000
dr. Patrick, Sp.OG-KFER – Rp390,000

Kehamilan Sehat Serpong,

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera,

Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah,

Kehamilan Sehat Premvill,
dr. Eko, SpOG – Rp290,000
dr. Ayu, SpOG – Rp240,000

Kehamilan Sehat Periuk,

Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat,

Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah,

Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan,

Kehamilan Sehat Kenten,

Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel,

Kehamilan Sehat BKR,

Patients’ Satisfaction with 4D Ultrasonography


"The price is also very reasonable, and you can do 4D ultrasonography as well."

It’s great to know that the price of 4D ultrasonography at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Serpong is reasonable. The service is very friendly, and most importantly, Dr. Christin’s explanation is very satisfying. Good luck for Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Serpong Branch.

Kalsita Setiyaningsih

"The doctor explained it casually and thoroughly."

First-time ultrasound there for 4D ultrasound because of a neighbor’s recommendation, size 20 weeks, and very comfortable, friendly service, and Dr. Eko explained casually + very detailed from head to toe, even counting the fingers. When the baby covered his face, the doctor tried to change the position so that his face could be seen; my husband felt comfortable, clear, and satisfied. The location is also excellent.

Dara Ayu

"Seeing other people's experiences reveals that everything is fine and safe."

Pengalaman pertama saya periksa si dedek bayi, selama ini biasa saya kontrol si dedek di RS. Tapi karna penasaran gimana sih pemeriksaan di klinik kehamilan sehat dan katanya di klinik ini jg bisa usg 4D, makin penasaran kan sama bentuk perkembangan si dedek. Tapi sempet galau juga, ditengah wabah covid gini aman gak ya? Jadinya saya browsing deh, ketemu lah instagramnya @kehamilansehat, lihat pengalaman orang ternyata ok dan safety loh.

Shinta Eka Simanjuntak

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility


4D Ultrasonography

4D Ultrasonography Used to View the Fetus' Face

The presence of 4-dimensional ultrasonography provides a breath of fresh air for moms to see the development of the fetus during pregnancy. 4-dimensional ultrasonography technology can be said to be a complement as well as a perfection of ultrasonography technology in the world of health.

By using this technology, Mom can see the movement of the fetus directly while in the womb with cheap 4D ultrasonography. This method can be used to see the length and weight of the fetus, the position of the head clearly, the gender, and the shape of the fetus well, to know the volume of amniotic fluid.

As a result, the use of 4-dimensional ultrasonography technology will display the appearance of the fetus in real-time, with accuracy, and, of course, in greater detail. However, Mom should be aware that if there is insufficient amniotic fluid, automatically taking photos via 4D ultrasonography becomes difficult.

In other words, the use of 4-dimensional ultrasonography is determined by the amount of amniotic fluid present and the position of the fetus within the uterus. Furthermore, from 10 weeks of pregnancy until close to labor, 4-dimensional ultrasonography can be performed.

Affordable Price of a 4D Ultrasonography in a Kehamilan Sehat

Mom may be aware that the cost of examinations using 4-dimensional ultrasonography is typically quite high. However, Mom can now get cheap 4D ultrasonography prices only at the Kehamilan Sehat 4D ultrasonography clinic.

Routine pregnancy check-ups are certainly necessary to learn about the development of Mom’s fetus. Especially with the availability of low-cost 4D ultrasonography and competitive pricing. As a result, do not hesitate to have your pregnancy checked at the Kehamilan Sehat 4D ultrasonography clinic.

For Mom who frequently checks the womb at Kehamilan Sehat, you’ve probably memorized that the cost of a 4-dimensional ultrasound at Kehamilan Sehat is zero rupiahs, or free. The cost of a 2-dimensional ultrasound that we provide ranges from Rp. 150.000 to Rp. 300.000, and that is after an obstetrician consultation. Isn’t it intriguing? Mom, let’s check her pregnancy with a low-cost 4D ultrasound from Kehamilan Sehat!

Tips for Choosing a 4D Ultrasonography Clinic for a Pregnant Mom

Choosing a 4D ultrasonography clinic is similar to a mother selecting a maternity clinic service. Mom should consider the following factors when selecting a 4D ultrasonography clinic:

  1. Take note of the distance

Make sure the hospital that provides cheap 4D ultrasonography is close to Mom’s house to avoid traffic and other surprises. As a result, select a clinic or maternity hospital that is easily accessible from Mom’s home.

  1. Available Facilities

Mom should consider the facilities available at the 4D ultrasonography clinic as well as the distance of the hospital or clinic from her home. Choosing a hospital or clinic that already has medical equipment and complete services is certainly convenient and comforting for Mom.

At the very least, the clinic has provided a delivery room, a baby room, a hospitalization room, a laboratory, an ambulance, and so on. It is even better if the clinic provides pregnancy exercises, consultations, and vaccinations in addition to ultrasonography services.

  1. Skilled and experienced medical personnel or doctors

The health worker or doctor who handles the cheap 4D ultrasonography service is also important to consider. We know that up to 9 months of pregnancy, the obstetrician is the one who always educates and informs Mom and the fetus in the womb.

Every Mommil’s dream is to find a clinic that provides informative, thorough, communicative, educative, conscientious, friendly specialist doctors who prioritize the health and safety of their patients. As a result, Mom will be more liberated if she is handled by professional and experienced medical personnel.

  1. Available Budget

Mom and her husband can talk about the budget that needs to be prepared. In this case, Mom can find out how much a 4D ultrasonography costs, then budget for monthly ultrasonography and calculate how much money must be spent on labor. According to the above tips for selecting a 4D ultrasonography clinic, Kehamilan Sehat Clinic may be the answer. Why? Because Kehamilan Sehat provides competitive 4D ultrasonography prices for health consultations during pregnancy.

Kehamilan Sehat also includes normal delivery, laboratory tests, medications, and vaccinations. Not to mention, we offer pregnant gymnastics services for Mom, who always prioritizes her and her baby’s health. Make sure Mom consults with Kehamilan Sehat and gets a 4-dimensional ultrasonography examination to check the health of the womb. Pregnancy Sehat is now available in cities throughout Indonesia, including East Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Palembang, and Surabaya!

What Mom Gets for a Low-Cost 4D ultrasonography

Some of you may be hesitant to have a 4D ultrasonography because the cost of a 4D ultrasonography is so high. Mommil, however, does not need to be concerned because the cost of a 4D ultrasonography checks at the Kehamilan Sehat clinic is quite reasonable. Not to mention, if there are attractive discounts, the price of 4D ultrasonography at Kehamilan Sehat clinic is usually less expensive.

Mommil will undoubtedly want to check her pregnancy condition on a regular basis while pregnant. The goal is to keep track of Mommil and the baby’s health. An ultrasonography procedure, specifically 4D ultrasonography, can be used to see the baby’s development process. Mommil will benefit from a number of advantages thanks to the low cost of 4D ultrasound at the Kehamilan Sehat clinic.

What are the benefits of low-cost 4D ultrasonography?

It is not impossible to obtain a discounted 4D ultrasonography price if you have a check-up at the Kehamilan Sehat clinic. Mommil will receive a number of important benefits from this low-cost 4D ultrasonography. One of the advantages of performing a 4D ultrasonography procedure is that it allows you to monitor the fetus’s growth and development as well as determine whether the fetus has any congenital defects.

As a result of the low cost of 4D ultrasonography, doctors can calculate the volume as well as the structure of organs, such as lip gaps, defects, and tumors. Mommil can also get the following things by paying low 4D ultrasonography prices at the Kehamilan Sehat clinic:

  • Can see fetal activity in the womb more clearly, such as yawning, smiling, and making other movements.
  • Can detect any abnormalities or disorders in the fetus, as well as the condition of the fetal organs, allowing doctors to begin treatment immediately.
  • When approaching labor, Mommil can observe the movement and position of the fetus and check for pelvic and uterine abnormalities.

Even more intriguing, at the Kehamilan Sehat clinic, Mommil can get a 4D (HD Live Face) ultrasonography for free by first performing a 2D ultrasonography examination.

If Mommil wants a more affordable 4D ultrasonography price, don’t hesitate to check Mommil’s pregnancy at the Kehamilan Sehat clinic. Click here to get a discounted 4D ultrasonography price right now!