Recommended Baby Piercing Location Using One Push Technology


Baby Ear Piercing with No Concerning of Allergies or Pain


Hygienic, needle-free, and tool-free


Earrings that are packed sterile to avoid contamination with germs and viruses

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

5 Steps to Baby Piercing Safety


Step 1 : Get Ready

In this step, a certified medical professional will prepare Mom’s preferred earrings as well as aftercare lotion.


Step 2 : Making a Mark

The medical professional will mark the position of the earring on the ear with a pen-like tool.


Step 3: Sterilized

The child’s ear will be sterilized by certified medical personnel in step 3.


Step 4: Piercing

The piercing begins with one-press technology and ends with the earring in place.


Step 5 : Treatment

Once the earrings are in place, Mom and Dad can treat baby’s ears with Kehamilan Sehat’s aftercare lotion

Kehamilan Sehat Baby Piercing Location


Kehamilan Sehat Palembang

Kehamilan Sehat Palembang Branch has a baby ear piercing location. The piercing service of Rp600.000 includes earrings and aftercare lotion.


Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang

Offers low-cost baby ear piercing services. The Rp600.000 fee includes piercing services and aftercare lotion.

Kehamilan Sehat Collaborates with Dr. Evoo® Brand

The dr. Evoo® piercing method has been the leading suggestion in Indonesia for moms and dads looking for the simplicity and safety of newborn ear piercing. The process is fast and only conducted by trained and certified medical personnel.

“Baby Ear Piercing dr. Evoo Documenter”

Options for Earrings in a Kehamilan Sehat


Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang Offers 2 Earrings Options


Kehamilan Sehat Palembang Offers 8 Earring Options

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility

Ear Piercing for a Baby

Mom had to have seen some cute little babies with pierced ears. Some parents choose to pierce their child immediately after birth, while others wait until their child is a little older.

When should babies have their ears pierced?

Is there a specific time when a baby’s ears should be pierced? In a nutshell, it depends.

Some doctors advise getting a baby pierced after he or she has had two tetanus shots, which should be around 4 months. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recognizes that piercing is safe at any age if done with sterile equipment and techniques.

Mom and Dad must be consistent in order for the baby piercing treatment to be successful.

Some parents prefer to see the little jewels shining in their child’s ears, while others find baby piercing painful. Most parents choose baby piercings when their child is young to cause less pain and discomfort than piercings later in life. Other parents, on the other hand, choose to pierce their children out of tradition. There are also Moms and Dads who choose baby piercing for gender identification in younger babies. Babies wearing small earrings or studs will not be misidentified as baby boys.

Who Should Pierce the Ears of a Baby?

Medical personnel who have received training in baby piercing. Mom can find recommendations for baby ear piercing in Tangerang and Palembang here. Make sure the baby ear piercing location Mom and Dad choose is clean, such as the Kehamilan Sehat clinic.

In addition to selecting a baby ear piercing location, Mom must also select the appropriate earrings for the baby. Make sure the earrings Mom chooses for the baby are small, flat, and round. Earrings should not have sharp edges, and the fastener should extend all the way around the back of the earring. It is advised that Mom avoids wearing dangling earrings because the Baby will be more likely to pull on them and be injured. This can pose a choking hazard and endanger the baby.

Babies Ear Piercing Safety

Here are some precautions to take when taking your child to a baby piercing shop :

1. Avoid piercing newborn babies: If a newborn has a fever infection, he or she should be hospitalized. When the Baby is two weeks old, Mom can go to a baby ear piercing shop.

2. Wear the appropriate earrings: Choose earrings that will not irritate your baby’s skin.

3. Employ sterile equipment: Check that the medical personnel who are piercing the baby are qualified and use sterilized equipment.

4. New earrings should be worn for at least six weeks: During this time, do not change or remove your earrings. This gives the wound time to heal. Mom should clean the site regularly for the next six weeks to avoid infection.

5. Seek advice: Inquire with the medical staff about caring for newly pierced ears.

6. Keep an eye out for infection: Pus, pain, redness, and swelling for more than 24 hours after the piercing are common signs of infection.

Mom can get the best baby piercing service at Kehamilan Sehat Palembang or Kehamilan Sehat Tangerang. Please contact us for more information.