Recommendations for Pediatricians in Bekasi


Consultation with our Experienced Pediatrician


Comfortable Pediatric Clinic Facilities


Complete Pediatric Services

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

dr. Dini Safitri Zahara, Sp.A

Meet dr Dini, a Bekasi pediatrician who practices at Pregnancy Sehat Kranggan. See the practice schedule of dr Dini, Sp.A below. 


Monday : 9-12 AM
Wednesday : 9-12 AM
Friday : 9-12 AM
Saturday : 9-12 AM

*The schedule is subject to change at anytime

Our Location

Street Raya Hankam 3F & 3G, RT.006/RW.006, Jatimurni, Pd. Melati, Bekasi City, West Java. Check here


dr. Hardiman, Sp.A

Meet dr Hardiman, a Bekasi paediatrician who practices at Suncity Healthy Pregnancy. See Dr Hardiman’s Practice Schedule below:


Tuesday & Wednesday : 11 AM – 1 PM
Friday : 7-9 PM
Saturday : 8-9.30 AM

*The schedule is subject to change at anytime


Street Mayor Madmuin Hasibuan, RT.004/RW.002, Marga Jaya, South Bekasi. Bekasi City, West Java 17141.  Check here

Pediatrician Facilities at
Kehamilan Sehat Bekasi


Start from

Rp120.000.- (Include Administration Tax)

*The consultation fee does not include registration fees, drug fees, or vaccines.

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility

The Importance of Basic Immunization

Vaccination is one of the things that Mom can do to maintain Mom’s child’s immunity. Because the purpose of vaccination is to form and increase the body’s immunity to a certain infectious disease, Therefore, if the vaccination is not given or the baby receives the vaccination late, it can be fatal for his/her health in the future.

If Mom wants to fulfill her child’s obligation for immunization, Mom can come to the Bekasi pediatrician clinic.

List of Basic Immunizations

In Indonesia, there are five basic immunizations that are required by the government and can be obtained at the Bekasi pediatrician clinic. Mom can consult a Bekasi pediatrician first before giving the five basic immunizations to the baby.

These five complete immunizations include:

1. Hepatitis B Immunization

This immunization is given with the aim of preventing hepatitis B disease (liver infection), which can cause dangerous complications. The first vaccination is given when the baby is newborn, and the next dose is given in sequence according to the baby’s age: 2, 3, 4, and 18 months.

2. BCG Immunization

The purpose of this immunization is to protect the body from the germs that cause TB disease. This immunization can be given immediately after the baby is born.

3. DPT-HB-HiB Immunization

This immunization can protect against and prevent six diseases, including diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, hepatitis B, pneumonia, and meningitis. This mandatory immunization is given four times, starting at the ages of 2, 3, 4, and 18 months.

4. Measles Immunization

Measles, rubella, or MR immunization is given to prevent measles and rubella, which are easily transmitted. This immunization is given three times, when the child is 9 months, 18 months, and 5 years old.

5. Polio Immunization

In Indonesia, there are two types of polio vaccines: the drip or oral polio vaccine and the injectable form. The drip polio vaccine is given four times, namely when the baby is newborn and when the baby is 2, 3, and 4 months old, to prevent paralysis. And the injectable polio vaccine is given once when the baby is 4 months old to complete the formation of the immune system.

Consultation with a Pediatrician in Bekasi

Consultation with a Bekasi pediatrician is also needed in the immunization program. In addition to arranging an immunization schedule with a Bekasi pediatrician, as for complaints that may occur after the little one gets immunized, the most common is fever.

Fever after immunization is a sign that the immune system of the little one is responding to immunization, if the complaint does not subside or even gets worse, immediately come to the Bekasi pediatrician to get medicine.

Want to know more about vaccination services at Kehamilan Sehat? Mom can see here! Mom can also consult with a Bekasi pediatrician to ensure a safe time for the baby to receive immunizations.