Insemination Service


Affordable Price


Qualified & Professional Doctors


Supported by Morula IVF

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

Insemination Cost Details & Insemination Procedure

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

Insemination Cost

Rp 9.300.000


TVS + Consultation




Medical Services Doctor-Insem




Tablet Medicine Package -Insem


Medicine Inj -Insem


IUI Package


Sperm analysis

Insemination Tablet Package

Included in the insemination fee




Microgest 200mg


Gonal F vial 75IU


Ovidril pen 250 IU Inj

Trusted Fertility Clinic Recommendations


Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera now provides insemination and sperm analysis services
which is a solution for husband and wife couples to get a baby

Our Location & Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

Jl. Raya Serpong KM. 8 No. 8C
Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15325


dr. Benny Harmoko, M.Ked(OG), Sp.OG

Specialist Obgyn doctor practicing at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera


dr. Dian Siregar, Sp.OG

Specialist Obgyn doctor practicing at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility

Insemination Procedure Flow

Trigger Drug Administration

Administration of ovulation triggering drugs, starting on day 3 – 5 during menstruation for 5 days.

HMG administration

Administration of HMG or FSH on days 5 – 9, for husband and wife with anovulation problems or hormonal disorders to trigger egg development.

Transvaginal Ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound examination to see follicular development.

HCG injection

If the egg has reached a size of at least 18 mm, then an injection of hCG is given to break the egg. After the hCG injection, ovulation will occur in 36 – 42 hours

Insemination Process

Then, 36 hours after the hCG injection, insemination will take place. A maximum of 1 hour before insemination, the husband releases sperm in a special room at the clinic. Then, the sperm cells are given to the laboratory for washing. Next, the sperm cells are inserted into the uterine cavity.

Grand Opening

Indonesia Fertility Clinic at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera


The desire to have a baby is every couple’s dream. Some do not have to wait long, but there are also those who have to wait for years to be able to have children. One of the steps that can be taken is insemination.

One method of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to realize pregnancy by bringing together sperm and eggs naturally in the uterus is called the Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) process.

This method is used to overcome fertility problems and deliver sperm to the cervix so women can become pregnant. There are several conditions that make Mom & Dad have to do insemination, ranging from ejaculation problems, infertility, cervical mucus, sperm allergies, and physical disabilities.

Procedure for Mom

Insemination procedures that must be performed on the wife:

  1. Personal data, pregnancy history, menstrual history
  2. Gynecological examination
  3. Transvaginal ultrasound examination
  4. HSG or Hysterosalpingography examination to view the oviducts 4.
  5. Hormonal examination to see FSH, LH, and E2 only if Mom has irregular menstrual cycles and amenorrhea 5.

Procedure for Dad

  1. Sperm quality checks on the husband.
  2. No sperm for 3–5 days to get the best sperm quality.

Pregnancy can be recognized by the next menstrual cycle, which is 1 week late. Please use a test pack to check for pregnancy. There are several factors that make insemination go well.

  1. Age of the mother
  2. Duration of infertility
  3. Cause of infertility
  4. Sperm count and quality after washing

If the insemination attempt is unsuccessful, it is better not to repeat it more than 3–6 times. According to insemination research, if it fails more than six times, the next insemination will still fail. Get inseminated at Kehamilan Sehat, stay optimistic, and trust us.