Kehamilan Sehat Branches
in Jakarta
3 Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Options Ready to Serve You

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,
Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & Experienced,
Carried Out with Proper SOP
Kehamilan Sehat in Jakarta
Providing Hospital Equivalent Services

Kehamilan Sehat
Jakarta Timur
Get free 2D 4D Ultrasound Service at Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit

Kehamilan Sehat
Jakarta Utara
Recommend a friendly & experienced gynecologist at Kehamilan Sehat Sunter

Kehamilan Sehat
Jakarta Barat
2D ultrasound service with free 4D ultrasound at
Kehamilan Sehat Pos Pengumben
Why Choose
Kehamilan Sehat Jakarta?
Kehamilan Sehat Branch in Jakarta
There are 3 branches of the Jakarta Kehamilan Sehat clinic for Mom to choose from, namely:
– Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit (East Jakarta)
– Kehamilan Sehat Sunter (North Jakarta)
– Kehamilan Sehat Pos Pengumben (West Jakarta)
The spread of Kehamilan Sehat clinics in Jakarta will make it easier for Moms to get the best obstetrician services in Jakarta within a short distance.
Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Jakarta is a clinic that provides pregnancy check-ups. For Mom who lives in Jakarta, especially Duren Sawit, Sunter, and Pos Pengumben. now Mom can get hospital-grade standardized pregnancy check-up service here. With the slogan “It’s not a privilege, It’s your right!”, we give Mom the opportunity to have the best Jakarta obstetric clinics, such as Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit, Sunter, and Pos Pengumben. Education from Jakarta’s best obstetricians is useful to realize a Kehamilan Sehat and normal delivery.
Services at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Jakarta
Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Jakarta provides the best obstetricians with pregnancy check-ups, 2D and 4D ultrasounds, pregnancy programs, pregnancy exercises, birth control programs (IUD installation), and pharmacy (drugs & vitamins).
Accompanied by the best obstetrician in Jakarta, Mom will be told to do a 2D and free 4D ultrasound. Then when Mom has complaints of back pain, groin pain, and tailbone pain, Mom will be advised to do pregnancy exercises at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Jakarta, Duren Sawit. Pregnancy exercises at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic Jakarta will be guided by Certified & Professional Instructors, free education with the best obstetricians in Jakarta, and available pregnancy exercises for labor preparation.
If Mom wants to do an IUD insertion, the Jakarta gynecology clinic provides a place with tools that are guaranteed sterile, carried out according to safety procedures, and directly by Obgyn Doctor. The reason Mom can try IUD insertion is known to have an almost perfect percentage of preventing pregnancy and can delay pregnancy for a period of 5 years, with this IUD birth control Mom and Dad can stop it at any time as desired
Best Obstetrician in Jakarta
Kehamilan Sehat works with the best obstetricians in Jakarta. Our obstetricians have received certification and SIP (License to Practice) from related institutions. To support the services of the best obstetricians in Jakarta, the equipment used also meets the standards of medical service providers. All of this is done to ensure the safety of our patients.
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Ultrasound at Kehamilan Sehat Jakarta