Laboratory Check


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Better For Mom & Child

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Carried Out with Proper SOP

Schedule for Lab Checks During Pregnancy

In addition to getting a pregnancy checkup to see how the fetus is developing, Mom can get a lab test to see if there are any signs of disease in Mom’s body.

We recommend that you have lab tests twice during pregnancy, at the following times:


1st Trimester

Mom should do early pregnancy screening lab tests such as hemoglobin, complete urine, blood sugar, anti-HIV, and HBsAg throughout the first trimester.

If the 1st Trimester lab results are abnormal, repeat the test 2 months later with a note (If Hb is not normal, blood and iron supplements will be given).


3rd Trimester

To prepare for child delivery, you should repeat the lab test in 3rd Trimester.

Comprehensive Pregnancy Clinic Center


Lab check at Kehamilan Sehat branches in Serpong
Serpong Tangerang, Prime Ceger Tangerang, Prime Alam Sutera Tangerang with quick results.

Expression of Patient Satisfaction of  Laboratory Tests


"The lab results were available fairly soon."

I checked the lab only at the Kehamilan Sehat Ceger on Saturday and was quite pleased with the service. I didn’t have to wait long because the nurse was pleasant and the results came soon. The doctor can also explain the results of the lab tests.

Lia Zulyska

"The service is excellent and the results are fast."

Periksa Cek Lab di Kehamilan Sehat sangat memuaskan, perawatnya ramah, hasilnya cepat, layanannya juga bagus

Ika Arifiyanti

“In any case, it's really beneficial to check the lab check here.”

Check lab check at Kehamilan Sehat Ceger the results are extremely rapid and friendly, in any case, it is very good to check the lab check here.

Rendi Agustaf

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Laboratory Check

Lab Check for Pregnant Women in Pregnancy Examination

Kehamilan Sehat Sejahtera also serves a variety of lab test needs for pregnant women. The fee for lab tests for pregnant women at the clinic is also affordable. In the first trimester, lab tests for pregnant women are done to determine Mom’s gestational age and condition. One type of lab test for pregnant women that must be done is a blood test. Here is the flow of lab tests for pregnant women in checking blood:

  1. Mom goes to the nearby Kehamilan Sehat clinic and checks in. Mom can then wait for the turn at the clinic after paying the lab test price.
  2. Before performing the lab test, the doctor first performs an interview with Mommil to determine if she has some health issues.
  3. The lab check for pregnant women is then performed to determine Mom’s condition in terms of hemoglobin levels.

Mommil has a maximum of three blood lab checks per week and at least two during pregnancy. The average level of hemoglobin in Mommil’s body is 10 gr/dl. If the pregnant woman’s hemoglobin count is only below 10 gr/dl after a lab test, the doctor will give her blood-boosting vitamins and she will be obliged to return to the clinic 1 or 2 months later for another lab test. Mom does not have to be concerned if she needs routine lab testing because the cost of lab tests for pregnant women at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic is reasonable.

However, if the results of the lab check for pregnant women in the first trimester are satisfactory in terms of the amount of hemoglobin and other tests, it is recommended that lab checks for pregnant women be revisited in the third trimester to prepare for childbirth. The doctor will also educate Mom on the importance of eating more vegetables and red meat in order to raise the level of hemoglobin.

What to Consider When Doing Lab Tests on Pregnant Women

Mom and Dad should begin preparing for the price of prenatal checkups as soon as they learn what you are expecting, including the price of lab testing for expectant patients at the clinic.

Mom will frequently do a number of tests while she is pregnant to assist in safeguarding the health of both Mom and the fetus.

As long as Mom and Dad have undertaken a survey to find out the cost of lab tests for pregnant women at the clinic before doing the examination, the cost of lab tests for pregnant women is normally not too expensive.

Mom will be able to monitor the pregnancy and examine the body’s health by doing lab tests on pregnant women on a regular basis. Here are some factors to take into account while performing lab testing on pregnant women:

  1. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will perform an examination or consultation to determine the presence of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, lungs, and other conditions.
  2. The doctor then recommends blood laboratory tests including; complete hematology, blood sugar, complete urine examination, and infectious disease tests such as HBsAg and VDRL. If the doctor identifies any abnormalities, the doctor will provide therapy (medication or referral to internal medicine).
  3. The doctor will advise regular lab tests for pregnant women in the following two months to see if Mom’s health has improved. The doctor will also give blood-boosting vitamins and iron to help Mom if the lab test results show low hemoglobin levels.

When Mom’s pregnancy is in the third trimester, lab tests for pregnant women can be conducted again if everything is fine in the third trimester.

Pregnancy Lab Test Program

Lab testing for pregnant women is also necessary for couples who want to participate in a pregnancy program. In the pregnancy program, not only are lab tests for the wife required but there are also tests for the husband, namely sperm screenings. Kehamilan Sehat Prosperous does not perform sperm testing but can provide a letter of introduction to conducting the screening.

Anamnesa or an interview is frequently undertaken before conducting lab tests on pregnant women so that the health conditions of Mom and husband are ready before pregnancy arises. Pregnant women’s lab tests also help to identify any conditions that could interfere with the pregnancy program.

Does Mom perform prenatal lab tests on a regular basis? Or perhaps Mom hasn’t done it frequently because you are concerned about how much the clinic’s lab tests for expectant patients typically cost. Relax, Mom! Lab testing for expectant mothers at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic is very reasonably priced! Mom does not have to be worried about having to undergo routine lab tests because the cost of lab tests for pregnant women at the Kehamilan Sehat Clinic is affordable and adequate.

Let’s maintain our healthy habits and regularly perform prenatal lab tests at Kehamilan Sehat Sejahtera in order to achieve a Kehamilan Sehat! Click here to learn more.