The Best Baby Spa Recommendations


Baby Gym, Baby Massage, and Baby Swim Services Available


Safe & Comfortable Facilities with Professional Therapists


Affordable Price

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

Baby Spa Places Nearby


Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

Jalan Raya Puspitek No.51 Buaran, Babakan, Kec. Setu, Kota Tangerang Selatan,
Banten 15310. Check Map  Here

Baby Spa's Schedule at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

Thursday and Sunday

Baby Spa Theraphists

1. Bidan Melisa
2. Bidan Agustina


Kehamilan Sehat Alam Sutera

Jl. Raya Serpong, Pakulonan,
Kec. Serpong Utara,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15325
. Check Map Here

Baby Spa Schedule at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

Tuesday, Friday & Sunday

Baby Spa Therapists

1. Bidan Febby
2. Bidan Ainun

Various Services
Baby Spa in Kehamilan Sehat


Baby Massage

It is beneficial for overcoming digestive problems in babies and making babies more relaxed and comfortable.


KS Serpong : Rp 150.000


KS Alam Sutera : Rp 185.000

Duration 40 minutes


Baby Swim

Beneficial for stimulating balance as a baby learns to crawl, walk, and swim.


KS Serpong : Rp 150.000


KS Alam Sutera : Rp 185.000

Duration 40 minutes


Baby Gym

It is useful to train the strength of muscles & joints in the baby’s body to be more mature.


KS Serpong : Rp 150.000


KS Alam Sutera : Rp 185.000

Duration 40 minutes


Baby Massage & Baby Swim

Besides relaxing the baby and helping the baby’s motoric development. Baby Spas are also beneficial in improving babies’ blood circulation.


KS Serpong : Rp 250.000


KS Alam Sutera : Rp 300.000

Duration 60 minutes

baby spa terdekat

Full Treatment

Baby Spa with parents also enhances interaction and bonding between parents and baby during the growing years.


KS Serpong : Rp 350.000


KS Alam Sutera : Rp 400.000

Duration 75 minutes

20% Disc for the First 20 Baby Spa Patients


Valid at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang and Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera.
Come directly or reserve via WhatsApp now before the promo runs out.

Baby Spa Facilities at Kehamilan Sehat

Kehamilan Sehat Serpong
Baby Spa Room

Baby Massage & Baby Gym Facility at
Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

Baby Swim Facility at
Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

Baby Spa Room
Kehamilan Sehat Alam Sutera

Baby Massage & Baby Gym Facility
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

Baby Swim Facility
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

“Baby Spa at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong”

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility


Baby Spa

Find out more details about Baby Swim Benefits,
Baby Massage, and Baby Gym

Find Baby Spa Nearest to Your City

Baby Spas are certainly not a new thing for Moms. Recently, baby services have appeared in several cities, including Tangerang.

Mom may also often see her little one enjoying spa treatments, be it a massage or water therapy, on social media.

Baby spas offer a variety of activities, both for babies and Moms & Dad. However, are our baby spas really beneficial for babies or just a trend?


Baby Spa activities include not only bath treatments, but also other treatments, such as body massage and water therapy. Ideally, Baby Spa for babies is done under the supervision of a trained therapist, with the age of the baby ranging from 3-12 months.

Baby Spa prices are also relatively affordable, now Mom can find the nearest Baby Spa in Mom’s city, one of which is Baby Spa Tangerang.


Baby spa usually consists of 3 types of activities: baby swimming, baby massage, and baby gym.


Benefits of Baby Swimming

Baby swim or water therapy, where the baby will swim in the pool using a baby float neck, At this moment, the baby will be free to move their arms and legs like they were in the womb.

The movement when the baby kicks the water is believed to stimulate development, train balance, and improve coordination skills.

Benefits of Baby Massage

In addition to hydrotherapy or baby swimming, babies will also get baby massage therapy, which has many positive benefits, namely:

  1. Weight Gain

How can baby massage help moms in Tangerang City increase their baby’s weight? Here’s the explanation: Baby massage can affect increased nervous system activity and abdominal movement, which leads to more efficient absorption of nutrients.

  1. Improves Sleep Patterns

Baby massage makes the baby less prone to crying, so the baby will be more relaxed and easier to sleep with. Baby massage also reduces the frequency of waking at bedtime.

  1. Increase Bonding Between Parent & Child

Mom, one of the benefits of baby massage is that it stimulates the hormone oxytocin, which can evoke feelings of happiness and love. Baby massage done by parents can strengthen the bond between parents and children through skin touch.

Benefits of a Baby Gym

The benefits of using a baby gym are very important for a baby’s growth, the baby gym can also be experienced by Mom & baby when going to the nearest Baby Spa in Mom’s city. So, what are the benefits of Baby Swim?

  1. Improves motor skills

When your little one plays with the baby play gym, their motor skills will work, such as kicking, grasping, and pulling toys. This can train muscle development around the hands, feet, neck, and abdomen.

  1. Improves hand-eye coordination

Baby Gym also helps hand-eye coordination to focus on objects. Continuous baby gym activities will improve reflexes and motor development.

  1. Improves his cognitive development

Hanging toys from the gym are designed to enhance a baby’s imagination with sounds, colors, and textures to develop a baby’s mental and cognitive development.

Some baby gyms have a mirror attached, letting the baby see his face and recognize himself.

Once in a while, let your child enjoy a baby spa. But make sure the therapy is done under the supervision of an experienced therapist, Moms.


Mom can visit the nearest baby spa location in Mom’s city. For Mom who lives in the Tangerang area, currently at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong and Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera, baby spa services are available at affordable prices. Mom can contact us here