Normal Delivery
Normal delivery is available for 24/7
Hospital Standard Maternity & Inpatient Rooms
Certified Doctors & Midwives

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,
Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & Experienced,
Carried Out with Proper SOP

Reasons Why Normal Delivery is Better
Normal delivery is a process that many pregnant women crave because, in addition to promoting rapid health recovery, it can also minimize trauma and the risk of infection.
Here are some of the advantages of normal delivery:
The recovery process after normal delivery is faster.
There is less risk of health problems for mom and baby.
Accelerates the bonding process between mother and baby.
If I have another child, the normal delivery process may be faster and shorter.
Can do Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) or breastfeed the baby immediately after delivery.
Competitive cost.
Signs Mom Can Give Birth Normally

Regular contractions
Contractions that occur in Mom who wants to give birth are characterized by a tight feeling in the abdominal cavity, and soreness in the waist, the contractions also occur continuously, the duration is regular, and the longer the contractions, the more intense or frequent

The appearance of mucus mixed with blood
During contractions, the fetal head will continue to press on the pelvic cavity. This indicates the opening of the birth canal, which is characterized by the appearance of mucus mixed with blood. The opening of the birth canal lasts from opening 1 to complete opening, or opening 10.
Mechanism of Normal Delivery

Pregnancy Checkup and Q&A
Conducting a pregnancy check-up for pregnant women who are about to go into delivery is mandatory. At Kehamilan Sehat, Mom will be examined by a doctor regarding matters related to general conditions such as blood pressure, a heart examination, weight, etc.
In addition to general conditions, the doctor will also check the state of pregnancy, which includes gestational age, position or location of the baby, the presence or absence of complications in delivery, and other things about pregnancy.

Internal Examination and Q&A
The examination does not stop there, facing delivery, the officer will also conduct an internal examination related to delivery, such as checking the mouth of the uterus, knowing whether there has been an opening of the birth canal, knowing whether the position of the baby’s head is normal entering the pelvis or not, and checking whether the amniotic membrane has broken or not.
All developments will be continuously monitored by the Kehamilan Sehat medical staff to determine Mom’s current condition and prepare for delivery.
Full-Service Maternity Clinic
Ready to Serve Normal delivery 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
With Hospital-Quality Facilities & Competitive Prices
KS Women and Children Clinic That Handle Normal Delivery
6 of 17 KS Women and Children Clinic Branches Provide Normal delivery Services

KS Palem Semi
A Maternity Clinic in Tangerang City with Deluxe to President Suite Facilities and Specialist Obstetricians

KS Prime Alam Sutera
A Maternity Clinic in South Tangerang with VIP & President Suite Facilities Meeting Hospital Standards

KS Karang Tengah
Pro-Normal Maternity Clinic in Tangerang City Offering a Variety of Inpatient Room Options & Comfortable.

KS Serpong
A Maternity Clinic in Tangerang City with Deluxe & VIP Room Facilities, Hospital-Standard Services, and Trusted Medical Professionals.

KS Prime Ceger
A Maternity Clinic in South Tangerang City offering four types of VIP inpatient rooms, each equipped with complete and comfortable.

KS Kranggan Hankam
A Maternity Clinic in Bekasi with Deluxe and VIP room and hospital standards, provided by trusted obstetricians expert midwives.
“Happy Mom & Dad”
Normal Delivery at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera
Satisfaction Expressions in Normal Delivery Patients

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners