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Obgyn Room

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

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Recommendations for the Nearest Obstetrician

Conditions That Require Women to See An Obstetrician

Basically, obstetricians are in charge of everything from prenatal care to postpartum care. Not a few Mommils are confused about when to visit an obstetrician, is it only if there are complaints during pregnancy? Or do you have to go to the gynecologist regularly even though the fetus is doing well?

Pregnant women are recommended to have a pregnancy check-up with an obstetrician at least once in the first trimester of pregnancy and twice each in the next trimester.

Not only during pregnancy but also during delivery, there are several conditions that require women to visit an obstetrician, such as:

  1. Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Irregular menstrual cycles can be described if a woman has a cycle lasting more than 35 days, or if the length varies every month. The cause of irregular menstrual cycles can be due to several things, such as hormonal imbalances, hormonal changes, and contraceptive use. However, irregular menstrual cycles can also cause further problems, such as fertility problems. So, immediately check with your doctor, especially if there are symptoms of unbearable abdominal cramps.

  1. Planning for Pregnancy

If Mom and Dad are planning to have offspring, consultation with the nearest gynecologist can be the first step before planning a pregnancy. The doctor will perform several examination procedures on Mom and Dad, such as a transvaginal ultrasound for Mom and a sperm lab check for Dad. These procedures aim to identify things that may affect Mom’s ability to conceive and go through pregnancy, as well as increase the chances of a healthy baby.

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infections

This condition is one that should not be delayed until you see a gynecologist if you already feel the symptoms. If left untreated, sexually transmitted infections can cause complications ranging from infertility to cervical cancer. Meanwhile, if this happens to pregnant women, sexually transmitted diseases can cause miscarriages or birth defects.

Tips for Choosing an Obstetrician

Obstetricians and gynecologists, often called “obstetricians”, are doctors who specialize in the treatment of women’s reproductive health, such as menstruation, pregnancy, delivery, and menopause.

In the period of pregnancy that Mom will undergo for about 40 weeks, it is better for Mom to determine the right and suitable obstetrician from the beginning of pregnancy. So that Mom can trust Mom’s pregnancy until the delivery process later with only one doctor.

So what do you need to consider when choosing an obstetrician?

  1. Competent and Trustworthy

There is no need to rush into visiting an obstetrician, Mom should look for references of obstetricians who have been certified first. Then it can be ascertained that the doctor is competent and experienced, so Mom can trust Mom’s pregnancy even until the delivery process later.

  1. Communicative

In choosing a suitable obstetrician, Mom can pay attention to the way the doctor communicates with the patient. Especially if this is Mom’s first pregnancy, there may still be many things that Mom does not understand about pregnancy. So that a communicative obstetrician will guide Mom to a Kehamilan Sehat.

  1. Pro-Normal

The normal delivery method is considered the safest and most recommended for a Kehamilan Sehat. There are many advantages to the normal delivery method, both for Mom and baby. Therefore, it is also important to choose an obstetrician who supports a normal delivery.

The Best Obstetrician in Kehamilan Sehat

Looking for references in advance about the best obstetricians who meet the criteria can make it easier for Mom to choose a doctor. What is meant by meeting the criteria? Is the obstetrician closest to Mom’s location? Is the doctor communicative, trustworthy, and competent?

like the obstetricians at Kehamilan Sehat who have been certified so that they are trusted to accompany and guide Mom during pregnancy until delivery.

Do not hesitate to visit the nearest obstetrician as soon as possible when you realize any reproductive health problems in women, so that Mom can prevent conditions that might be dangerous if not treated immediately.

Also, find out the nearest Kehamilan Sehat branch to Mom’s location. Check here