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Tangerang Pediatrician

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The Best Pediatric Polyclinic With Full Service


Pediatric Clinic with Consultation Services, Vaccinations,
Up to Baby Massage

Pediatrics Poly in Kehamilan Sehat


600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility


Recommendations for Nearby Pediatricians

The Right Time to Visit a Pediatrician

A pediatrician is a doctor who focuses on the physical, mental, and emotional health of children aged 0–18 years. Not a few diseases experienced by children require further treatment by pediatricians. Not only can pediatricians examine children, but they can also perform various procedures to treat various disorders experienced by children.

So, when is the right time to see a pediatrician?

1. When your child is experiencing health problems

Pediatricians are tasked with examining children’s conditions, providing preventive measures and treatment for sick children, both acute and chronic.

2. Evaluation of child growth and development

With the help of a pediatrician, Mom can start the child’s growth and development with the right examination. Mom can ensure that the child’s growth and development are running optimally according to their age, and the pediatrician can provide early treatment if a growth and development disorder is detected.

3. Child Immunization

Pediatricians are also responsible for giving immunizations to children. The pediatrician will schedule the child’s basic immunizations since their birth. Immunization is done so that the body’s immunity is strong against a disease. This is done by forming certain levels of antibodies. To create these antibodies, the child must receive the vaccine according to the pediatrician’s instructions.

Baby Massage Service with a Nearby Pediatrician

Baby massage is one way to bond between Mom and the child. The gentle touch that Mom gives is able to calm the child and make the child feel loved.

Baby massage is also one of the multisensory stimulations that can encourage optimal baby development and growth, especially if done during the golden period of the first 1000 days of life. Baby massage can also be done at home by Mom if she knows the proper technique.  To realize this effort, Mom can join a baby massage class.

For Mom who are in the Tangerang area, Kehamilan Sehat provides baby massage classes that are held every month, precisely at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah.

The benefits that Mom can get from joining this baby massage class are many. In addition to knowing the right way to massage a baby, Mom will also get direct education from a pediatrician.

Find out more about baby massage classes at Kehamilan Sehat, Mom. Check here!

Complete Vaccinations Available at Kehamilan Sehat

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) changed the concept of complete basic immunization to complete routine immunization. A complete routine immunization consists of basic and advanced immunizations. Basic immunization alone is not enough, continued immunization is needed to maintain optimal levels of immunity.

Children who are not immunized have a higher risk of developing complications that can cause disability or even death. This is because the body does not have a special defense system that can protect it from certain dangerous diseases, so germs will more easily multiply and infect the child’s body. Therefore, it is important for Mom to fulfill the obligation to vaccinate the child at the nearest pediatrician, for example, the nearest Kehamilan Sehat branch to Mom’s location.

Kehamilan Sehat provides complete vaccinations, ranging from basic immunizations to advanced immunizations.