Pregnancy Checkup


Consultation with a Certified Doctor


2D Ultrasound Check, Free 4D Ultrasound (HD Live Face)


Competitive Price

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

Various Services
Pregnancy Checkup

2D Ultrasound

Examination of the condition of the womb & diagnosis if there are abnormalities in the fetus. Suitable for pregnancy in the first trimester, black-and-white ultrasound images can be taken via abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound.

4D Ultrasound

Examination of the condition of the fetus to know the members and movements of the fetal body more clearly. Suitable for pregnancy in the second and third trimesters with color ultrasound images.

Pregnancy Consultation

The importance of obtaining pregnancy education for mom and fetal health is to maintain the nutrition and nutrients obtained.

Things to Pay Attention to During Pregnancy
Check Up Each Trimester

According to the WHO, pregnant women are advised to do pregnancy checks with ultrasound at least 4 times during pregnancy. However, pregnancy check-ups should be done regularly to monitor the development of the fetus from time to time.

Pregnancy check-ups are an obligation that Mom and Dad must do during pregnancy. The condition of fetal development in the womb certainly needs to be monitored directly by an obstetrician to ensure the fetus gets adequate nutrition. The following are the benefits of conducting pregnancy checks according to the trimester of pregnancy.

1st Trimester

In the first trimester, the doctor can determine Mom’s gestational age based on the calculation of HPHT (First Day of Last Period), after confirming it through an ultrasound examination. The calculation of gestational age based on gestational age using ultrasound is also calculated based on the size of the fetus.

Number of Examinations: 1-time

2nd Trimester

In this trimester, the doctor will check whether the size of the fetus is in accordance with the gestational age. The doctor also checks Mom’s amniotic fluid, to see whether or not there are abnormalities in the fetus and fetal bones.

Number of Examinations: 1-time

3rd Trimester

In this trimester, the doctor will monitor the position of the fetus, fetal weight, head size, umbilical cord, state and location of the placenta, and amount of amniotic fluid to prepare for the delivery process.

Number of Examinations: 2 times

*Reviewed by dr. Eko Setiawan Gunawardi Sp.OG

Pregnancy Clinic with Complete Services


Simply Do 2D Ultrasound,
Get Free 4D Ultrasound (HD Live Face)

The flow of Pregnancy Examination

Patient Arrives on Schedule

Mom can register directly at the clinic during practice hours or register via WhatsApp at each branch that serves registration via WhatsApp.

Perform COVID-19 Screening

Patients are asked to fill out a form and check their temperature.

Registration in the Admin Section

Patients register at the Administration Department.

Physical Condition Checking

Patients will be recorded and their blood pressure and weight checked.

Pregnancy Examination

Patients will be called according to the queue number to conduct an examination with a Sp.OG doctor.

Payment & Counseling

Patients are welcome to pay, redeem their medicine, and conduct counselling.

Expressions of Patient Satisfaction

Pregnancy Checkup


"The doctor gave detailed information, and the nurse was friendly."

The ultrasound here is very happy because the baby’s face is clear, the doctor gives detailed information, the nurses are friendly, and the place is comfortable and clean. Anyway, it is recommended for Mommil where the price is quite affordable, very satisfied anyway!


"Friendly Doctor and Staff"

Best. The place is comfortable, clean, and tidy. really uplifts the mood. The doctor is very detailed in his explanation, and I don’t know what else to ask😆
The consultation and ultrasound fees are cheap :’) get another discount. The doctors and staff are friendly too :’) Thank you very much.

Ikhwanna Dhivah

"The first time I checked up at Kehamilan Sehat, I met Dr. Duta, and I already fell in love with him""

Pertama kali Check Up di kehamilan sehat ketemu dokter duta sudah jatuh cinta duluan, pelayanan yang amat ramah dan klinik yang bersih dan sangat diutamakan social distancing, the best pokoknya bikin ketagihan.

Lailatul Magfiroh

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility


About Pregnancy


Pregnancy Checkup Procedure at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic

During pregnancy, examinations must be carried out regularly. Starting in the 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, and 3rd trimester, the condition of the pregnancy must be monitored to avoid unwanted things. Examinations in each trimester must also be adjusted to the gestational age and carried out in an ultrasound place that has adequate equipment. To avoid confusion during the examination, every prospective parent needs to equip themselves with knowledge, especially regarding examination procedures at the gynecology clinic.

Kehamilan Sehat Clinic operates based on SOPs that are guided by patient safety. As a gynecology clinic, we understand the importance of clarity in medical procedures for each patient. This is also true for an ultrasound clinic. To check the condition of your pregnancy, here are the examination procedures at our gynecology clinic.

1. Pregnancy Age Check

When Mom has a routine check-up at the gynecology clinic, the doctor will conduct an anamnesis or ask the patient a few questions. This also applies if the patient wants to monitor the condition of the fetus at the ultrasound site. Here, Mom will be asked about Mom’s last period. This is done to calculate the patient’s gestational age.

2. Examination of the Patient’s Physical Condition

The doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Ultrasound Center will conduct an examination of the patient’s physical condition. This physical examination includes blood pressure and weight checks. This procedure applies at the ultrasound clinic as an initial monitoring of the condition of Mom and the fetus.

3. Consultation with a doctor

The gynecology clinic will provide the results of the examination, especially if there are conditions that require more attention. The doctor will convey all the things that the patient needs to know in an open and transparent manner. While at our clinic or ultrasound center, Mom can also consult with the doctor about what to do later. As an ultrasound clinic, Kehamilan Sehat Clinic will also provide ultrasound results to patients.

More than 250,000 Patients Performed Pregnancy Check-ups at Kehamilan Sehat Ultrasound Clinic

As a gynecology clinic, patient trust has an important role in raising the name of Kehamilan Sehat Clinic. The presence of our clinic, both as a pregnancy clinic and ultrasound clinic in several cities in Indonesia cannot be separated from the trust of our patients. Since our establishment in 2015, we have helped more than 250,000 patients. Of these, most of the patients who come to the gynecology clinic are moms who want to do routine check-ups. The number is still growing. This is what drives the ultrasound clinic and Kehamilan Sehat clinic to continue expanding to other cities in Indonesia.

Our journey as a gynecology clinic has brought us to this point. We have been trusted as mom’s preferred ultrasound clinic in several cities where we practice. That trust does not come without reason. As an ultrasound center, we provide a fairly complete ultrasound service.
Kehamilan Sehat Ultrasound Clinic has 3 ultrasound treatments for Mom. The three treatments include transvaginal ultrasound, 2D ultrasound, and 4D ultrasound. Due to the specific function of each tool, our gynecology clinic will also help provide recommendations on which ultrasound to choose based on the patient’s gestational age.

Transvaginal ultrasound is an effective type of ultrasound to check the condition of the uterus or fetus. It displays information clearly, helping the medical staff at our gynecology clinic monitor the fetal rate and estimate the time of delivery more accurately. Due to its reliability, transvaginal ultrasound is commonly performed in the first trimester and is available at our gynecology clinic.
2D ultrasound is a type of service commonly available at ultrasound clinics and is commonly used to determine the condition of the fetus in the 2nd trimester. As for 4D ultrasound, Kehamilan Sehat Ultrasound Clinic provides this treatment to help prospective parents who want to see the face of the baby who is still in the womb.

All of these ultrasound services are available at our gynecology clinic. But specifically for 4D ultrasound, there are several things that patients need to know. The position of the fetus and amniotic fluid also determine the effectiveness of the device. In addition, Kehamilan Sehat Ultrasound Center also recommends choosing this type of ultrasound when entering the 3rd trimester.

Free 4D Ultrasound by Performing 2D Ultrasound at Kehamilan Sehat

The commitment of the ultrasound clinic and Kehamilan Sehat Clinic to helping Mom is not only realized through professional services. We also provide free 4D ultrasounds for patients who perform 2D ultrasounds at our gynecology clinic.
4D ultrasound is a complement to 2D ultrasound. If 2D ultrasound is chosen to determine the condition and position of the fetus in the womb, 4D ultrasound allows Mom to see the face of the fetus live.

The 2D ultrasound pregnancy check-up will examine how the baby is developing in the womb. The 2D ultrasound pregnancy check-up at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic will also check the condition of the baby’s heart and internal organs.
Another advantage of 2D ultrasound is that Mom will get information about the growth and position of the baby in the womb and the sex of the baby.
At the pregnancy checkup through 4D ultrasound, Mom is not only checked about the growth and development of the baby. Mom will also see how the baby in Mom’s womb moves such as kicking, opening and closing the eyes, and sucking the thumb. Many moms and dads feel so happy doing a 4D ultrasound pregnancy check because they can see the baby’s face clearly.

Although it has similar results, on a 2D ultrasound pregnancy examination, Mom can only see the results of the fetal condition on a flat black-and-white image which is more blurry. Whereas at a pregnancy checkup through 4D ultrasound, Mom can see a picture of the baby moving and more realistic.
In addition to visual benefits, there are other advantages if Mom conducts a pregnancy check with ultrasound before delivery, namely, Mom can check whether there are multiple pregnancies or twins, whether there are problems with the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid to take appropriate action before delivery.

Both 2D and 4D ultrasounds are available at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic. Mom can get pregnancy screening services through 4D ultrasound for free by doing a 2D ultrasound examination at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic.
Adequate equipment, credible medical personnel, and certified obstetricians are important components of a pregnancy clinic. These components are what make Kehamilan Sehat Ultrasound Place one of Mom’s preferred pregnancy clinics.