Recommendation for Pediatricians in Tangerang
Baby Massage Service
Complete Vaccinations and Medicines Available

Pro Normal
The Normal Childbirth is
Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service
High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,
Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal
Certified & Experienced,
Carried Out with Proper SOP
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera Tangerang

dr. Willy Santoso, Sp.A
A graduate of the pediatric specialist program from the University of North Sumatra. Currently, dr Willy practices at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera.
Practice Schedule
Monday : 4-6 PM
Tuesday : 4-6 PM
Thrusday : 4-6 PM
Friday : 4-6 PM
Saturday : 4-6 PM
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime.
Start From :
Rp 200.000

dr. D. A. Dini Primashanti Dewi, M. Biomed, Sp. A
Currently, dr Dini practices at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera
Practice Schedule
Wednesday : 8-10 AM
Thursday & Saturday : 11 AM-1 PM
Friday : 2.30 – 4 PM
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime.
Start From :
Rp 200.000
Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah

dr. Rudy Ciulianto, Sp.A, CIMI
Graduate of the pediatric specialist study program at Sam Ratulangi University. Currently, dr Rudy is practicing at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah
Practice Schedule
Monday & Wednesday : 3.00-5.00 pm
Tuesday & Friday : 2.00-5.00 pm
Thursday : 2.00-4.00 pm & 7.00-8.30 pm
Saturday : 9.00-12.00 pm
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime.
Start From :
Rp 220.000
*not including admin and registration fees

dr. Andrew Andi Putra, Sp.A
Paediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah
Practice Schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday :
8.00-9.00 am & 6.00-8.00 pm
Tueday & Thrusday : 8.00-9.00 am
Saturday : 2.00-5.00 pm
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime
Start From :
Rp 220.000
*not including admin and registration fees

dr. Sherly Serelia, Sp.A
Paediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah
Practice Schedule
Sunday : 8.00-12.00 pm
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime
Start From :
Rp 220.000
*not including admin and registration fees
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger

dr. Daisy Widiastuti, Sp.A
A graduate of the paediatric specialist study programme at the University of Indonesia. Currently dr. Daisy practices at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger
Schedule Practice
Monday-Friday : 1-2.30 PM
Saturday : 5-7.30 PM
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime
Start From
Rp 150.000

dr. Modella Rahmani, Sp.A
Graduate of paediatric specialist programme from Gadjah Mada University. She currently practices at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger
Schedule Practice
Monday-Friday : 5-6 PM
Saturday : 10-11 AM
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime
Start from :
Rp 150.000
Kehamilan Sehat Premvill

dr. Ribka Cordelia, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Premvill Tangerang
Schedule Practice
Monday-Saturday : 7-9 PM
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime
Start From :
Rp 150.000
Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi

dr. Rudy Ciulianto, Sp.A, CIMI
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Karawaci
Practice Schedule
Monday, Wednesday, Friday dan Saturday
12.00 – 15.00 WIB
Tuesday & Thursday
11.00 – 16.00 WIB
*The schedule is subject to change at anytime.
Start From :
Rp 250.000
Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

dr. Xaveria Arlin Algerina, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong
Practice Schedule
Monday-Thrusday : 3.30-5 PM
Saturday : 3.30-5 PM
*Schedule subject to change
Start from
Rp 150.000

dr. Nirmalia Husin, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang
Practice Schedule
08.00-10.00 WIB
*Schedule subject to change
Start From :
Rp 150.000

dr. Labiqatullubabah Ahasmi, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang
Practice Schedule
Monday : 08.00-10.00 WIB
Wednesday : 08.00-10.00 WIB
Sunday : 09.00-12.00 WIB
*Schedule subject to change
Start From :
Rp 150.000
Kehamilan Sehat Periuk

dr. Wenny Prafitriyanti, Sp.A, M.Biomed
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Periuk
Schedule Practice
Tuesday and Thrusday : 5-7 PM
Saturday : 09.30-11.30 AM
*The schedule is subject to change anytime
Start From
Rp 150.000
Understand Ideal Child Growth and Development
Every parent expects their children to grow optimally so that they can develop smartly and even excel. To make this happen, it is important for parents to monitor their child’s growth and development with a pediatrician in Tangerang and ensure their nutritional needs are met.
Growth is a change in the size and shape of the body, such as weight gain, height, head circumference, and other physical growth. Meanwhile, development is a mental change that takes place in a way that includes intelligence, attitudes, behavior, and so on.
There are many factors that affect the growth and development of children. These include genetics, gender, nutrition, physical activity, health problems, the environment, and hormones. The development of boys and girls is generally different.
Therefore, Mom and Dad can ask for help from a pediatrician in Tangerang to understand the process of optimal child development.
Pediatricians in Tangerang play a role in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating various problems in the growth and development of children, including infants and adolescents.
The purpose of monitoring and checking children’s growth and development with a pediatrician in Tangerang is not only to find out whether the child’s growth and development are in accordance with their age or not, but also to find any growth and development disorders early so that they can be followed up immediately for better results.
Child Growth and Development Examination
In addition to ensuring that the nutritional needs of the child are well met, monitoring growth and development with a pediatrician in Tangerang is important to ensure that the child is growing and developing according to age. In addition, a pediatrician in Tangerang can also analyze early the presence of growth disorders (poor nutritional status, short children), developmental disorders (speech delay), and mental emotional disorders (concentration disorders and hyperactivity).
Pediatricians in Tangerang will determine the diagnosis, evaluation, and provide consultation and treatment related to the growth and development of children, from infants to adolescents.
In early detection at a pediatric growth and development clinic in Tangerang, the measurement of children’s growth aims to determine the nutritional status of the child. Early detection of growth is done by a pediatrician in Tangerang by using the measurement of Weight to Height (BB/TB) and the measurement of the Child’s Head Circumference (LKA), which are then plotted on a growth curve.
A doctor in Tangerang can detect growth and development abnormalities through regular monitoring and screening from pregnancy until the baby is born.
Consultation with a Pediatrician in Tangerang
Child growth helps Mom and Dad understand when the child is facing health or nutrition problems. Generally, when children do not get enough nutrition, their growth is certainly hampered.
From time to time, Mom and Dad can monitor the child’s growth by measuring height and weight, whether it is age-appropriate or not. Mom and Dad also need to stimulate the child’s development every time, the easiest example is by playing with the child, reading books, or singing.
If Mom and Dad feel confused and worried about their child’s growth and development, it’s time to visit a pediatrician in Tangerang.
Mom is recommended to consult a pediatric growth and development clinic in Tangerang every 6 months so that Mom can take the right actions for their growth. So, contact a pediatrician in Tangerang and consult immediately about existing problems, because early detection can lead to a healthier life for your child. Find out more about the various services of the Pediatric Clinic at Kehamilan Sehat Clinic here.