Child Growth and Development Consultation


Certified & Experienced SIP Doctors


Prevent Your Child's Growth and Developmental Disorders


Consultation with a Friendly & Communicative Pediatrician

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

Consultation Service with



Growth and Development Consultation

Routinely consult with a pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat so that the baby grows well and is healthy


Newborn Control

There are several checks on newborns, make sure you consult with a pediatrician


Sick Baby Consultation

Get the right care from a pediatrician if your baby is sick.

Pediatrician Consultation Fee


Start From Rp150.000,-
*Prices may vary in some Kehamilan Sehat branches

10 Kehamilan Sehat Branches That Provide
Pediatric Clinic Services

Kehamilan Sehat Suncity

Jl. Mayor Madmuin Hasibuan,
RT.004/RW.002, Marga Jaya,
Kec. Bekasi Selatan

Phone : (021) 8946-9150
0812-9141-7784 (Whatsapp)

Kehamilan Sehat Kenten Palembang

Komplek D’miro, Jl. Residen H. Najamuddin No.03 RT 003/01,
Suka Maju, Kec. Sako, Kota Palembang
Sumatera Selatan 30164

Phone: 0711-5705511
WhatsApp: 0813-7333-3870

Kehamilan Sehat Premvill Tangerang

Premier Village M-7
Kec. Cipondoh
Kota Tangerang
Banten 15122

WhatsApp : 088-971-500-027

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger Tangerang

Jl. Ceger Raya No.97,
Pd. Karya, Kec. Pd. Aren,
Kota Tangerang Selatan

Phone : (021) 2273-4829
WhatsApp : 0821-1081-4081

Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang

Jalan Raya Puspitek No.51
Buaran, Babakan, Kec. Setu,
Kota Tangerang Selatan

WhatsApp: 0812-9141-7724

Kehamilan Sehat Alam

Jl. Raya Serpong KM. 8 No. 8C
Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara,
Kota Tangerang Selatan

Phone : 021-53149209
WhatsApp : 0896-8999-1800

Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah Tangerang

Jl. Raden Saleh No.1, RT.001/RW.006
Karang Tengah, Kec. Ciledug
Kota Tangerang, Banten 15157

Phone : 021- 22273842
WhatsApp : 0818-0921-6006

Kehamilan Sehat Periuk

Jl. Moh Toha No. 89, Ruko Global Mansion, Blok RA No. 08, RT.013/RW.014, Periuk Jaya, Kec. Periuk, Banten 15131

WhatsApp : 0813-1114-8458

poli anak kehamilan sehat palem semi karawaci

Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi Tangerang

Ruko CBD Palem Semi No.16-19 Jl. Palem Jepang Kel. Panunggangan Barat
Kec. Cibodas kota Tangerang

Phone : (021) 5958-5454
WhatsApp : 0859-5291-2246

Pediatric Poly Gallery

9 out of 18 Kehamilan Sehat branches serve pediatric growth and development consultations

poli anak tangerang

Expression of Satisfaction in Kehamilan Sehat Patients


"Penjelasan dr Ribka Juga Jelas Tidak Memberikan Kekhawatiran"

Pemeriksaan babynya sangat bagus dan nyaman tempatnya. Penjelasan dr Ribka juga jelas sehingga tidak memberikan kekhawatiran terhadap ibu baru seperti saya

Lidya Ningsih

"Harga Relatif Bersaing"

Semuanya sangat baik, susternya ramah, dokternya juga ramah. Kebersihan klinik sangat baik dan harga relatif bersaing.

Mommy Gamaliel

"Kliniknya Sesuai Prokes (protokol kesehatan) dan Dokter Sangat Mengedukasi"

Sangat puas dengan pelayanan kesehatan di KS. Saya dan suami sangat merasa aman dan nyaman melakukan vaksin di KS, karena kliniknya sesuai prokes dan dokternya pun sangat memberikan edukasi dan informasi yang baik untuk kami sebagai orangtua yang punya baby.

Mommy Kenzi

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility


Know the Consultation Fee

Child Growth and Development

What is Child Growth and Development?

Understanding and monitoring the stages of child development is a very important part of parenting. Parents must monitor and ensure that the child grows and develops optimally. Child growth and development are not only about physical changes from infancy to adolescence but also include changes in emotions, personality, behavior, thinking, and speech.

If Mom and Dad find symptoms of speech delay, that is when the child needs the nearest pediatrician to ensure that the child passes through the stages of growth and development optimally

Health Problems That Need a Pediatrician

There are several growth and development disorders in children that must be watched out for. That is one of the reasons why you should consult with your local pediatrician about your child’s growth and development. Starting with gross motor, fine motor, and other growth and development, pediatricians will begin to treat them according to the existing problems.


The following health problems can be treated by pediatricians, among others:

– Speech and language disorders such as speech delay

– Communication skill disorders such as autism

– Gross motor disorders such as walking, and crawling

– Fine motor disorders such as frequent grasping, feeding

– Growth and development disorders due to injury

Nearest Pediatrician

Growth and development consultations with pediatricians are available at hospitals, health facilities, or clinics with pediatricians nearby. For example, Mom can visit Kehamilan Sehat for a child growth and development consultation. 9 out of 18 Kehamilan Sehat branches offer pediatric growth and development consultations. Pediatricians with SIP (License to Practice) and friendly doctors will certainly help Moms monitor their child’s growth and development. Pediatricians at Kehamilan Sehat will help Mom and Dad monitor the child’s growth and development and provide stimulation to the child. Our pediatrician will also conduct early detection for him/her according to their needs.

The cost of consulting a pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat starts at $100,000 at each clinic, Mom. For more information, Mom can contact us at 0811-172-5959 or check our website at