Information and Doctor's Schedule at
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

Obgyn Doctor's Schedule of
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera


11.00 AM - 1.00 PM dr. Gracia, Sp.OG
3.00 PM - 8.00 PM dr. Benny, Sp.OG


3.00 PM - 8.00 PM dr. Benny, Sp.OG

11.00 AM - 1.00 PM dr. Gracia, Sp.OG
3.00 PM - 5.00 PM dr. Benny, Sp.OG
6.00 PM - 9.00 PM dr. Dian, Sp.OG 

3.00 PM - 5.00 PM dr. Benny, Sp.OG
6.00 PM - 9.00 PM dr. Dian, Sp.OG


3.00 PM - 8.00 PM dr. Benny, Sp.OG


10.00 AM - 5.00 PM dr. Benny, Sp.OG
6.00 PM - 9.00 PM dr. Dian, Sp.OG


10.00 AM - 2.00 PM dr. Gracia, Sp.OG


*Schedule subject to change

*Be sure to call 0811-1725-959 to get an updated schedule for your visit.

Pediatrician Schedule of
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

1.30 PM - 3.30 PM dr. Dini, Sp.A
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM dr. Willy, Sp.A

1.30 PM - 3.30 PM dr. Dini, Sp.A
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM dr. Willy, Sp.A

4.00 PM - 6.00 PM
dr. Dini, Sp.A

9.00 AM - 11.00 AM dr. Dini, Sp.A
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM dr. Willy, Sp.A

1.30 PM - 3.30 PM dr. Dini, Sp.A
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM dr. Willy, Sp.A

1.30 PM - 3.30 PM dr. Dini, Sp.A
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM dr. Willy, Sp.A


Notes: *Doctor's schedule can change at any time, we recommend registering via WhatsApp

Lactation Counselor Schedule of
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera


dr. Naskaya Suryadinata, CBS

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Sunday

1.00 PM - 5.00 PM

Contact & Address of 
Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera, Tangerang


0896-8999-1800 (WhatsApp)

Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera Location

Jl. Raya Serpong KM. 8 No. 8C
Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara,
Kota Tangerang Selatan,
Banten 15325

View Map Here

  • Patients can make an appointment with a doctor through the Medital Application with registration procedures here.

  • Patients can also register directly at the location, registration opens at the beginning of the doctor’s practice hours until 30 minutes before the practice is over

Additional information: We prioritize the queue for patients who make an appointment through the medical app. In case of emergency, we recommend going to the nearest emergency room.