Obgy Doctors at Kehamilan Sehat
Professional and Experienced Medical Staff

Prof. dr. Johanes Mose, Sp.OG
Chair of the Medical Committee and Ethics Committee of National Kehamilan Sehat

dr. Eko Setiawan, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Premvill

dr. Adrian Goenawan, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah

dr. Fadhilah Akhdasari, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger

dr. Eva Febia, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Duren Sawit
Jakarta Timur

dr. Prima Raditya, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger

dr. Suriani Rosida, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Kenten

dr. Agustina Hidayati, M. Ked. Klin, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan

dr. Intan Firmana Putri, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Ciputat Tangerang

dr. Satrio Budhi Purnomo B.Med.Sc, Sp.OG.
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Periuk

dr. Dedi Febriansyah, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah

dr. Betaria Ratri Prima, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

dr. Fatin Atifa, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi

dr. Medissa Diantika, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

dr. Ayu Anissa Bahri Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Premvill

dr. Benny Harmoko, M.Ked(OG), Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alsut Tangerang

dr. Fifriana, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Periuk

dr. Martin Hermawan, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat BKR

dr. Thomson, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Pos Pengumben Jakarta Barat

dr. Patrick Bayu, Sp.OG-KFER
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Palem Semi

dr. Ibnu Razi, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

dr. Bayu Permana, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger

dr. Dian Siregar, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alam Sutera

dr. Jessica Octaviani, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah

dr. Glen Mose, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat BKR

dr. Almira Aulia Shahnaz, Sp.OG, M.Ked.Klin
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel Surabaya

dr. Gita Vania Damayanti, Sp.OG
Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat
Professional and Experienced Medical Staff

dr. Rudy Ciulianto, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah Tangerang

dr. Xaveria Arlin, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang

dr. Marshalla Agnes, M.Sc., Sp. A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah Tangerang

dr. Andrew Andi Putra, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah Tangerang

dr. Daisy Widyastuti, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger Tangerang

dr. Ribka Cordelia, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Premvill

dr. Modella Rahmani, Sp.A, M.Sc
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Ceger Tangerang

dr. Willy Santoso, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alsut Tangerang

dr. D. A. Dini Primashanti Dewi,
M. Biomed, Sp. A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Prime
Alam Sutera Tangerang

dr. Wenny Prafitriyanti, Sp.A, M.Biomed
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Periuk

dr. Arinta Atmasari, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Kenten

dr. Nirmalia Husin, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Serpong

dr. Dinda Anes Tunjungsari, Sp.A
Pediatrician at Kehamilan Sehat Ngagel
Lactation Doctor at Kehamilan Sehat
Professional and Experienced Medical Staff

dr. Fransisca Linda,
Lactation doctor at Kehamilan Sehat Karang Tengah Tangerang

dr. Adnina Hariningrum, CIMI
Lactation doctor at Laktasi Kehamilan Sehat Serpong Tangerang

dr. Naskaya Suriadinata
Lactation Counselor Kehamilan Sehat Prime Alsut Tangerang

dr. Nadia Utami Putri, CBS, CIMI
Dokter Konselor Laktasi Kehamilan Sehat Ceger
Pregnant women will usually visit the nearest obstetrician when they are pregnant. But actually, the task of the nearest obstetrician itself is not only to check the womb until childbirth alone but also the health condition of the reproductive organs. Obstetricians are commonly referred to as obgyns,” “obstetricians,” and gynecologists. Obstetricians play a role in helping to check the condition of the mother’s pregnancy, assist in childbirth, treat postpartum, and undergo various conditions and diseases that affect the female reproductive organs.
Tips for Choosing the Nearest Obstetrician
If Mom is pregnant and wants to consult the nearest obstetrician, there are some tips that must be considered when choosing the nearest obstetrician. The steps are as follows:
1. Get Recommendations
Mom can ask directly about relatives and friends who have visited the nearest obstetrician. They will usually give a review based on their experience when consulting. In addition, Mom can also ask directly in community groups on the internet to get references related to the nearest obstetrician where Mom lives.
Since the obstetrician examines the intimate reproductive organs, there are certainly many considerations when choosing one. In addition to the doctor’s trustworthiness, there is a sense of ease when speaking with and being examined by the gynecologist. Some people may prefer to be examined by a female doctor, but others might not mind being examined by a male doctor.
2. Medical History
There are several conditions experienced, such as hypertension, diabetes, or heart problems, that can affect mom when Mom is pregnant and giving birth. Therefore, in addition to Mom choosing the nearest obstetrician, Mom should also look for a doctor who has experience dealing with similar chronic diseases.
3. Choosing a Clinic or Hospital
Another tip for selecting the closest obstetrician is that Mom should know that the doctor is related to the hospital or clinic where he or she practices. Although the obstetrician may have met your criteria, if the clinic is too far away, it will certainly be very inconvenient.
Therefore, make sure the clinic or hospital where the doctor practices is easily accessible. Consider whether Mom’s health insurance is approved by the clinic or hospital where the nearest obstetrician practices. All things related to these services must really be considered.
4. Comfort Level
What is equally important when looking for the nearest obstetrician is Mom’s comfort level. Is Mom really comfortable when being examined, and how does the doctor give an explanation, Is it economical to talk or explain in detail? This is very important so that Mom is not confused anymore and, of course, makes Mom feel at home when consulting with the doctor.
We know that obstetricians not only serve pregnant women and give birth, but also women who want to check their reproductive health conditions can consult the nearest obstetrician if there is a problem. Usually, the examination by the gynecologist itself is done at least once a year. Mom can take advantage of the opportunity to ask about things that bother her, for example, related to sex problems, irregular menstruation, vaccination services, and reproductive health.
If Mom is looking for the nearest professional gynecologist with good service, choose the Kehamilan Sehat Branch that Mom can go to. Because Kehamilan Sehat offers various branches of clinic locations according to the city where Mom lives! Click here to see the various branches of Kehamilan Sehat.