Best Gynecology

Clinic Recommendation


Consultation with a Certified Obstetrician


Complete Gynecology Services


Competitive Price

Pro Normal

The Normal Childbirth is

Better For Mom & Child

Hospital Grade Service

High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices,

Comparable to Hospital Standards

Your Safety Is Our Goal

Certified & Experienced,

Carried Out with Proper SOP

Services Provided by Obgyn Clinics

in Kehamilan Sehat

2D Ultrasound Get 4D for Free (HD LIVE)

Get a free 4D by 2D ultrasound service

start from Rp. 170.000,-

Pregnancy Consultation

Routine pregnancy check-ups and consultations to monitor the development of the fetus in the womb

Pregnancy Program

Plan your pregnancy with a friendly and experienced gynecologist

IUD Birth Control Program

IUD insertion or removal services are handled directly by an obgyn specialist

Pap Smear

Examination of the cervix that aims to detect cervical cancer

Vaccine for Cervical Cancer

Efforts to prevent transmission of the HPV virus, while preventing cervical cancer

Gynecology Clinic Recommendations

Near Your House


Tangerang Obgyn Clinic

Tangerang Gynecologist’s Recommendation


Jakarta Obgyn Clinic

Check the schedule of obstetricians in East Jakarta, North Jakarta, and West Jakarta

usg di bekasi

Bekasi Obgyn Clinic

Find out the most recommended obstetricians in Bekasi


Palembang Obgyn Clinic

Recommended Friendly Obstetricians in Palembang


Bandung Obgyn Clinic

Find out a friendly gynecologist in Bandung


Surabaya Obgyn Clinic

Make an appointment with the best gynecologist in Surabaya

Full-Service Gynecology Clinic


Get a Pregnancy Checkup Experience with the Best Gynecologist Who Will
Accompany Mom’s Pregnancy Period Until Delivery

Obgyn-Poly Room at Kehamilan Sehat


Gynecology Poly Room KS Prime Alam Sutera


Gynecology Poly Room KS Peta Bandung


Gynecology Poly Room KS Suncity Bekasi


Gynecology Poly Room KS Kenten Palembang


Gynecology Poly Room KS Duren Sawit


Gynecology Poly Room KS Ciputat

600.000+ Pregnant Moms Were Treated

17 Branches in Major Cities

Specialist & General Practitioners

24/7 Give Birth Facility


Why Must Choose an Obstetrician in a Kehamilan Sehat?

Routine Pregnancy Checkup

When you have done a pregnancy test with a test pack and the results show two lines, the next step that Mom needs to do is an ultrasound examination at the nearest gynecologist. According to the WHO, at least eight ultrasounds should be performed by the mother during her pregnancy. Because Mom knows the development of the fetus in the stomach and can detect any abnormalities in pregnancy early by performing routine pregnancy checks. Pregnancy check-ups can be done at health facilities such as hospitals and gynecological clinics. For example, at the Kehamilan Sehat Clinic.

Recommendations for the Nearest Gynecology Clinic

Apart from the affordable cost of consulting an obstetrician, of course, the location of the health facility must also be considered in determining the right place for an ultrasound. Mom can look for recommendations for the nearest gynecology clinic from the comfort of Mom’s own home.

The good news is that Kehamilan Sehat is spread across several major cities, such as Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, Palembang, Bandung, and, of course, Surabaya, with a competitive obstetrician consultation fee. Well, Mom can determine for herself which branch of the nearest gynecology clinic suits Mom’s location. For example, if Mommil lives in Bekasi, Mommil can visit Kehamilan Sehat Kranggan, Kehamilan Sehat Suncity, or Kehamilan Sehat Harapan Indah.

Obstetrician Consultation Fee

Did you know, Mom? Kehamilan Sehat offers a competitive obstetrician consultation fee, which starts at Rp 100.000. Only Mom can have a consultation with an obstetrician at Kehamilan Sehat. Mom will meet with friendly midwives and be handled by an obstetrician who has a SIP (License to Practice) which means the doctor is guaranteed to be experienced and Mom will be given an educational and detailed explanation. 

If Mom is interested in visiting Kehamilan Sehat for a consultation with an obstetrician, please contact our Customer Service at 0811-172-5959 or visit the website page at Looking forward to your visit, Mom and Dad!